2000 Directed Electronics, Inc.
If you are threatened in or near your vehicle, you can attract
attention by triggering the system with your remote! Just press
and hold for 1.5 seconds, and you will enter Panic Mode. The
horn will honk and the parking lights will flash for 30 seconds. To
stop Panic Mode at any time, press on the remote.
NOTE: In order for Panic Mode to function, the vehicle’s horn (or option-
al siren) must be connected.
Code Hopping
The receiver and transmitter use mathematical formulas called
algorithms to change their codes each time the transmitter is used.
This Code Hopping technology has been developed to increase the
security of the unit. By following this set code sequence, the
receiver and transmitter stay synchronized, even if the transmitter
is used out of range of the vehicle. If, however, the transmitter is
pressed many times out of range, or the battery is removed, the
transmitter may get temporarily out of sync and fail to operate the
system. To resynchronize the transmitter, simply press several
times within range of the vehicle. The system will automatically
resynchronize and the transmitter will respond normally.
Panic Mode