RP360 / RP360 XP
Preset Level & Master Level
The RP360 and RP360XP have two different output level controls: Preset Level and Master Level�
Preset Level
The Preset Level parameter adjusts the output
level for the currently loaded preset only�
Therefore, changes to the Preset Level must
be stored to the preset to be retained� Use the
Preset Level parameter to either match the output
levels of all your presets or set the levels to create
some dynamics in your songs (for example, a lead
guitar part may require a slight boost in level to
Plexi-Drive 1
push your guitar to the front of the mix and an intro may need a slightly lowered level to make the
first verse sound bigger when it comes in)�
Master Level
The Master Level parameter adjusts the global
output level, which affects the volume of all
presets equally� Use this parameter to increase or
decrease the overall level of all presets�
Plexi-Drive 1
NOTE: All outputs are affected by the Master Level and Preset Level parameters�
To adjust the Preset Level or Master Level parameter:
You must be in the Performance state to adjust these parameters� You should see the preset
number and name in the LCD display� If you do not, press the
BACK button until you do�
2� Turn the EDIT 1 knob to adjust the Preset Level� Turn the EDIT 3 knob to adjust the Master
Level� While adjusting each parameter, the LCD display will temporarily display the level values
as they are adjusted� After approximately 2 seconds of inactivity, the level parameter window
will automatically disappear�
3� If you made changes to the Preset Level, the STORE button will light, indicating you must
store the changes to a user preset� See Storing/Copying/Naming Presets on page 17 for
information on storing presets�