Vibrato (viBRTO)
A Vibrato effect modulates the pitch of the incoming signal at an even rate.
Parameter 1 - The Number 2 Knob adjusts the rate (Speed) at which the pitch modulates.
Ranges from 1 to 99.
Parameter 2 - The Number 3 Knob adjusts the intensity (Depth) of the modulating pitch.
Ranges from 1 to 99.
The Number 4 and 5 knobs have no function when the Vibrato is selected.
Rotary Speaker (ROTARY)
Rotary Speaker is an emulation of a device that included a spinning horn and rotor (woofer).
The rotation of these two speakers produced an interesting combination of the sound panning
from side to side, as well as a slight pitch change due to speed of the sound coming towards,
and then going away from the listener.
Parameter 1 - The Number 2 Knob adjusts the rate (Speed) of the spinning speakers.
Ranges from 1 to 99.
Parameter 2 - The Number 3 Knob controls the intensity of the Effect. Ranges from 0 to
Parameter 3 - The Number 4 Knob controls the doppler effect which is the ratio between
the horn and the rotor positions. Ranges from 1 to 99.
Mod Level -The Number 5 Knob controls the mix of wet and dry signal. Ranges from 0
(all dry) to 99 (all wet).
YaYa™ (yaya)
The YaYa™ is an effect exclusive to DigiTech products. The YaYa™ is controlled by the
Expression Pedal and combines the characteristics of a wah and a flanger together providing a
unique talk box type of effect. As the Expression Pedal is rocked back and forth, the guitar
appears to say “Yah.” The YaYa™ effect must be linked to the Expression Pedal in order to
function. See page 18 for more information on linking the Expression Pedal.
Parameter 1 - The Number 2 Knob adjusts the Pedal.
Parameter 2 - The Number 3 Knob adjusts the intensity of the YaYa™ effect. Ranges from
1 to 99.
Parameter 3 - The Number 4 Knob adjusts the throaty quality of the YaYa™ effect.
Ranges from 1 to 50.
Mod Level -The Number 5 Knob controls the mix of wet and dry signal. Ranges from 0
(all dry) to 99 (all wet).
AutoYa™ (AUTOYA)
Like the YaYa™, an AutoYa™ combines the characteristics of a Wah and a Flanger together
creating an almost human vowel sound as if the guitar were saying “Yah.” The AutoYa™
automatically provides this animation by modulating the sound at an even rate.
Parameter 1 - The Number 2 Knob adjusts the rate (Speed) of the modulation. Ranges
from 1 to 99.
Parameter 2 - The Number 3 Knob adjusts the intensity of the AutoYa™ effect. Ranges
from 1 to 99.
Parameter 3 - The Number 4 Knob adjusts the throaty quality of the AutoYa™ effect.
Ranges from 1 to 50.
Mod Level -The Number 5 Knob controls the mix of wet and dry signal. Ranges from 0
(all dry) to 99 (all wet).