MODEL 2. Vox
Clyde McCoy
In 1966, an L.A. session guitarist and a Vox
electrical engineer tinkered
around with an amp’s tone circuit and created an archetype of elec-
tric guitar tone: the original Clyde McCoy
Wah pedal. Though it was
designed for the guitar, Vox initially thought they’d sell more to trumpet
players; that’s why trumpet player Clyde McCoy’s name graces the pedal
to this day. Few horn players use the pedal today, but countless guitarists
know the unmistakable tone and range acheived by this pedal, thanks to
its active circuit and dinstinctive high peak.
Control 1 (tip): Frequency Range – Changes the high and low fre-
quency centers off the Wah sweep.
Control 2 (tip): Q (Shape) – Changes the bandwidth of the frequency
centers. Lower settings produce a mild Wah effect, higher settings pro-
duce extreme Wah filtering.
Control 3 (tip): Volume – Boosts or cuts the output level when the
Wah is enabled.
Expression Pedal – Controls the Wah effect.