Creating The LCD Response Messages
When you are busy or are away from your desk, you can set a message
at your telephone that will be received by any LCD speakerphone
within your system. Your system provides two default messages:
“Back at . . .‘I and “Call . . .”
In addition, you can add eight customized
messages, or you can create up to ten messages if you choose not to use
the two default messages.
you intend to create a response message to a voice announce,
remember that this is also a message, and that it uses one of
your message locations.
To store the LCD messages, proceed as follows:
write your messages on the chart on page 5 (each message can
have up to 16 characters),
use the letter code table (on page 4) to assign a number to each let-
write these numbers on the chart line beside the message letters,
press ITCM,
dial+##O 5,
dial a message location number (l-O),
dial # to clear current message,
compose your messages by dialing the two-digit codes that relate
to the letters,
dial +# to save message,
dial next location number, #to clear it, two-digit codes for the
message, and +# to save,
repeat previous step until all messages are stored,
press SPKR to end.
Example: Create a message that will read as “TAKE MESSAGE” and
program it into message location number 3.
- press ITCM, dial + # 0 5,
- dial 3 #,
- dial +1,11,22,22 12
61, 32,73, 73;21,41 32
space M E S S A G’E
- dial #, and press SPKR to end.