COMSPHERE 3900 Series Modems
D-6 September 1998 3910-A2-GN32-40
Invalid (INV)
The INV response indicates that the modem has received an incorrect V.25bis command from the
DTE. INV is similar to the AT result code ERROR.
The INV response format is:
Where: xx is
CU command unknown.
MS message syntax error.
PS parameter syntax error.
PV parameter value error.
Table D-1 lists V.25bis commands supported by the 391x Series modems.
Table D-1
V.25bis Commands
V.25bis Command
AT Command/
S-Register Equivalent
Call Request Commands
CRN Call Request with Number Provided ATD
CRS Call Request with Memory Address ATDS
Call Answer Commands
INC Incoming Call Indication RING
DIC Disregard Incoming Call NONE
CIC Connect Incoming Call ATA
Program Command
PRN Program Normal AT&Z
List Request
RLD Request to List Delayed Numbers NONE
RLF Request to List Forbidden Numbers NONE
RLN Request to List Stored Numbers NONE
List Response
LSD List Delayed Numbers NONE
LSF List Forbidden Numbers NONE
LSN List Stored Numbers NONE