A special note for parents:
As a parent or guardian, you are responsible for the
activities and safety of your minor child, and that in cludes
making sure that the bicycle is properly tted to the child;
that it is in good repair and safe operating condition; that
you and your child have learned and understand the safe
operation of the bicycle; and that you and your child have
learned, understand and obey not only the applicable local
motor vehicle, bicycle and traf c laws, but also the common
sense rules of safe and responsible bicycling. As a parent, you
should read this manual, as well as review its warnings and the
bicycle’s functions and operating procedures with your child,
before letting your child ride the bicycle.
WARNING: Make sure that your child always wears an
ap proved bicycle helmet when riding; but also make sure that
your child understands that a bicycle helmet is for bicycling
only, and must be removed when not riding. A helmet must
not be worn while playing, in play areas, on playground
equipment, while climbing trees, or at any time while not
riding a bicycle. Failure to follow this warn ing could result in
Like any sport, bicycling involves risk of injury and damage.
By choosing to ride a bicycle, you assume the responsibility
for that risk, so you need to know — and to practice — the
rules of safe and responsible riding and of proper use and
maintenance. Proper use and main te nance of your bicycle
This Manual contains many “Warnings” and “Cau tions”
con cern ing the consequences of failure to main tain or inspect
your bicycle and of failure to follow safe cycling practices.
indicates a potentially haz ard ous situation
which, if not avoided, could result in serious injury or death.
indicates a potentially hazardous situation
which, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury,
or is an alert against unsafe practices.
used without the safety alert
symbol indicates a situation which, if not avoided, could
result in serious damage to the bicycle or the voiding of your
Many of the Warnings and Cautions say “you may lose
control and fall.” Because any fall can result in serious injury or
even death, we do not always repeat the warning of possible
Because it is impossible to anticipate every sit u a tion or
condition which can occur while riding, this Man u al makes
no representation about the safe use of the bi cy cle under
all conditions. There are risks as so ci at ed with the use of any
bicycle which cannot be pre dict ed or avoided, and which
are the sole responsibility of the rider.