
4000 Media Gateway Series Integration Note
Note: Parameters not listed below can be left at their default settings.
Set Trunk Group Number to an unused trunk group number.
Set Hunt Mode to Terminal.
Press [ESC] then [1] to recall a list of members.
Set Member # 1 to the first trunk number defined in Step 10 of the SX-2000 Light Administration.
Press [ESC] then [2] to define the range programming, RANGE PROGRAMMING Parameters data entry field
will appear in the main screen.
Set Trunk Number to 1, and press [ESC] then [2].
Set Specify number of lines to 22 and press [ENTER].
Press [ESC] then [4] to execute the command.
Press [ESC] then [4] to commit to changes and [ESC] then [1] to confirm the changes.
Press [ESC] then [Q] to return to the Trunk Forms menu.
Press [ESC] then [7] to return to the Customer Data Entry interface.