Installation and Setup
Configuring Remote Desktop
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Dialogic Technical Support uses VNC to allow its support engineers the ability to work on
customer issues. Not being able to access ClientView to see what the customer is seeing can
limit the ability of Dialogic Technical Support to provide input or even diagnose issues.
VNC (Virtual Network Computing) Access:
VNC is currently part of the Red Hat 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 ES Operating System.
VNC allows the user and Dialogic Technical Support personnel to work together as the
connection is shared.
VNC uses known ports so firewalls can be configured to only allow VNC connections from
Dialogic's IP address, providing for security but still allowing for remote help. Please
these ports open for access.
Overview of VNC on GCEMS server
To acquire access to the GCEMS server, there are two applications that need to be installed
and enabled. The first is the VNC server. This server is installed with the Linux Red Hat
installation and once installed needs to be enabled or started when VNC access is warranted.
The second application is the VNC viewer. The VNC viewer is a client of the VNC server and
allows support personnel to log into the server. The VNC viewer is normally installed on a
-based machine. The viewer allows access to ClientView from a Windows
client. For more information on VNC, see http://www.realvnc.com
Linux (VNC server)
If the GCEMS server has been purchased from Dialogic, you can allow remote access to your
GateControl EMS Server by performing the following procedure. If you have installed Linux on
your own server, then install VNC and perform this procedure.
1. The VNC server is loaded on the GCEMS server but is not started unless the next few
steps are accomplished
2. On the GCEMS server go to /home/.vnc
3. Within .vnc folder is a file named xstartup. Edit the file xstartup using vi editing or gedit.
Un-comment the following lines
#exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
4. To start VNC server, enter the following command below. If this is the first time you are
starting VNC you will be asked for a password. Enter excelsw for password. Below is the
command to start VNC server
$ vncserver :1
5. To verify the server is running enter one of the following commands below.
$ /sbin/service vncserver status
$ ps -ef|grep vnc
6. Once VNC server is started you can log into VNC server through a VNC viewer. Follow
steps below to load the VNC viewer on a PC running Windows
Operating system.