DSI SS7MD Programmer’s Manual Issue 3
• <addr_format>
Defines how TCAP should interpret address information from messages received from SCCP in order to
direct received TCAP primitives to unique SCCP sub-systems (TCAP user applications). It should be set to
0, 1, 2, 3 or 4 for the following options:
7.9.2 TCAP_CFG_DGRP – TCAP Dialog Group Configure
The TCAP_CFG_DGRP command allows the user to configure TCAP dialog groups, each group handling a sub-
set of the total available dialogs. This allows each group to reside on a separate host computer that in turn
allows the application using TCAP to be distributed over several machines. If the TCAP_CFG_DGRP command
is omitted, the complete range of dialog identifiers defined by the TCAP_CONFIG command is assigned.
The TCAP_CONFIG command must exist above this command in the config.txt file.
TCAP_CFG_DGRP <gid> <base_ogdlg_id> <nog_dialogues> <base_icdlg_id> <nic_dialogues> <options>
TCAP_CFG_DGRP 0 0x0000 1024 0x8000 1024 0 0
The TCAP_CFG_DGRP command includes the following parameters:
• <gid>
A logical identifier for this group. The valid range is 0 to 31.
• <base_ogdlg_id>
The first outgoing dialog ID assigned to this dialog group.
• <nog_dialogues>
The number of outgoing dialogs assigned to this group, hence outgoing dialog IDs base_ogdlg_id to
base_ogdlg_id + nog_dialogues-1 are assigned to this group.
• <base_icdlg_id>
The first incoming dialog ID assigned to this dialog identifier group.
• <nic_dialogues>
The number of incoming dialogs assigned to this group, therefore, outgoing dialog IDs base_ogdlg_id to
base_icdlg_id + nic_dialogues-1 are assigned to this group.
• <options>
Should be set to 0.
• <reserved>
Must be set to 0.
Option Function
If configured to use ITU-T PDU formats (options bit 1 not set), use the ITU-T Q.713
SCCP address format. If configured to use ANSI PDU formats (options bit 1 set),
use the ANSI T1.112 SCCP address format.
1 Use the ITU-T Q.713 SCCP address format (14-bit point codes).
2 Use the ITU-T Q.713 SCCP address format modified for 24-bit point codes.
3 Use the ANSI T1.112 SCCP address format modified for 14-bit point codes.
4 Use the ANSI T1.112 SCCP address format (24-bit point codes).