
DSI SPCI Network Interface Boards Programmer's Manual Issue 5
run_mode Protocols selected to Run on the Board
DTI Digital Trunk Interface only, no protocol software. This mode does NOT
require the use of a software license button).
MTP2 MTP2 protocol only.
MTP MTP3 plus MTP2 protocols.
ISUP-S ISUP, small version, plus all MTP.
ISUP ISUP, regular version, plus all MTP.
ISUP-L ISUP, large version, plus all MTP.
TUP-S TUP, small version, plus all MTP.
TUP TUP, regular version, plus all MTP.
TUP-L TUP, large version, plus all MTP.
DTI Digital Trunk Interface only, no protocol software. This mode does NOT
require the use of a software license button).
MTP2 MTP2 protocol only.
MTP MTP3 plus MTP2 protocols.
See section 2.3.2 Capacity for details of the capacity for modules running on
the DSI SPCI Boards.
7.1.2 LIU_CONFIG Command
Syntax: LIU_CONFIG <board_id> <liu_id> <liu_type> <line_code>
<frame_format> <crc_mode>
Example: LIU_CONFIG 0 0 5 1 1 1
This command is used during initialization to configure the operating
parameters for a T1/E1 line interface unit.
The logical identity of the board in the range from 0 to one less than the
number of boards supported.
The identifier of the T1/E1 Line Interface Unit in the range from 0 to one less
than the number of interfaces supported.
Note: For the SPCI2S, valid values for the LIU identifiers are 2 and 3.
The physical type of interface according to the following table: (note that this
must be selected by the user to be appropriate for the actual hardware fitted
otherwise an error status is returned).