Doc. ID: 05-2536-002
is a registered trademark of Dialogic Corporation.
Dialogic's trademarks may be used publicly only with
permission from Dialogic. Such permission may only be
granted by Dialogic’s legal department. The names of actual
companies and products mentioned herein are the
trademarks of their respective owners.
not support this feature. Power Budgeting jumper P4
is designed to ensure proper configuration of the
The DISI board must be installed in a slot that can be
allocated 25W.
If Power Budgeting is not implemented by a vendor's
system, the DISI board must be plugged into a x4 or
higher slot with the P4 jumper in position 1-2 (power
budgeting ignored). This is allowed per PCI Express
Card Electromechanical Specification Revision 1.0a or
higher because a x4 or greater slot must be able to
support a minimum of 25W.
If Power Budgeting is implemented by a vendor's
system, the DISI board can be plugged into a x1 slot
but the P4 jumper must be in position pins 2-3
(power budgeting adhered to).
WARNING! Installing the DISI board in a x1
slot with the P4 jumper in position 1-2 will void
the warranty of the DISI board.
If the DISI will be connected to other telephony
boards via a CT Bus cable, you should install the
boards to minimize unused connectors on the CT Bus
cable (in addition to ensuring that the power
requirements are met):
Install boards in adjacent slots whenever possible.
If the DISI board will be connected to one or more
PCI boards, use the PCI Express slot(s) closest to
the PCI slots.
5. Installing the Board
WARNING! Unplug the equipment before
performing the procedures described here.
Failure to disconnect the power before you
open the chassis can result in personal injury.
Ensure that the system is disconnected from its
power source and from all telecommunications
links, networks, or modem lines whenever the
chassis cover is removed. Do not operate the
system with the cover removed.
CAUTION: To avoid possible damage to the board,
remove power from the computer before beginning
installation. Observe proper anti-static precautions at
all times while handling and installing the board.
To install the DISI board, perform the following steps:
1. Turn off all power to the system and disconnect
the system’s power cords.
2. Remove the computer’s cover.
3. Choose an empty PCI Express expansion slot and
remove the slot’s retaining screw and access
cover plate.
4. Insert the board’s edge connector into the bus
slot, and apply firm pressure to the top edge of
the board until the board is fully seated in the
edge connector.
5. Reinstall the retaining screw.
6. Repeat steps 1 through 5 for any additional
boards you are installing.
7. Connect the telephony boards together with a CT
Bus cable of the appropriate size (not included). If
possible, use a cable assembly that matches the
number of boards in your system. If the cable has
more than one unused connector, install the cable
so that all the unused connectors are at one end
of the cable.
8. Replace the computer’s cover.
9. Reconnect the computer’s power cord.
Audio Cable and Ferrite Clamp
A ferrite clamp is required on the audio cable to
reduce RFI emissions from the PCB audio jack and to
comply with the EN55022 Class B radio frequency
interference limits. Follow these instructions to
properly install the ferrite clamp:
1. Loop the cable once around the ferrite clamp,
keeping cable snug and as close as possible to the
plug to be installed into audio jack on the PCB.
2. Snap the ferrite clamp closed onto the cable.
3. Insert the plug into the audio jack.
Connect to Power Supply
The DISI board must be connected to an external
power supply. The power module is the
Assembly. One power module is required per DISI
The external power module generates -24 volts to
power the station interface loop and -70 volts for
ringing. The power module connects to a pre-wired
power cable attached to the DISI board.
6. Telephony Connection Options
The station ports on the DISI board are accessed
using a telephony connection box such as the
breakout box provided with the DISIBOBKIT breakout
box and cable kit. Alternatively, the CBLTAC0X32
Telco Adapter Cable can be used for installations with
a wall-mounted distribution frame and split 50 pair
telephone punch down blocks, or with a standard
rack-mount breakout solution (RJ121X to RJ11).
Follow the instructions for the two possible
connection scenarios:
Connect Board Using DISIBOBKIT
Breakout Box and Cable Kit
The breakout box can be mounted using screws or
double-sided tape. Follow one of the two sets below
to connect the breakout box to the board.
Mounting Breakout Box Using Screws
Mounting Breakout Box Using Double-Sided Tape
Connect Board Using CBLTAC0X32 Telco
Adapter Cable
The CBLTAC0X32 Telco Adapter Cable converts the
68-pin connector on the DISI board into two standard
RJ21X Amphenol* connectors. Each RJ21X connector
carries up to 16 stations, depending on the DISI
analog station port density (16, 24, 32).
The CBLTAC0X32 is approximately 12 inches in
length. Standard 25 pair Amphenol* cables should be
used to extend the reach.
7. Pinouts for the Breakout Connector
Note: On the DISI24 (24-port board), only tip and
ring pins 1-24 are active. On the DISI16 (16-port
board), only tip and ring pins 1-16 are active.
Breakout Connector Pin Designations
Pin Signal Pin Signal
9 RING18 43 TIP18
10 RING20 44 TIP20
11 RING19 45 TIP19
12 RING17 46 TIP17
13 RING21 47 TIP21
14 RING22 48 TIP22
15 RING23 49 TIP23
16 RING24 50 TIP24
19 RING26 53 TIP26
20 RING25 54 TIP25
21 RING28 55 TIP28
22 RING27 56 TIP27
23 RING30 57 TIP30
24 RING29 58 TIP29
25 RING32 59 TIP32
26 RING31 60 TIP31
27 RING14 61 TIP14
28 RING13 62 TIP13
29 RING16 63 TIP16
30 RING15 64 TIP15
31 RING10 65 TIP10
32 RING9 66 TIP9
33 RING12 67 TIP12
34 RING11 68 TIP11
8. After Installing the Board
The DISI requires the use of a System Software
version that specifically supports it. Required Dialogic
System Software: System Release 6.0 PCI for
Windows Service Update 137 or higher; System
Release 6.1 for Linux Service Update 241 or higher.
If this is the first Dialogic telecom board installed in
your system, you will need to install an appropriate
System Software version and configure the software
for the specific board(s) you are using. Refer to the
installation and configuration documentation that
accompanies the release for instructions.
If you are installing the DISI in a system that already
has System Software installed, you should verify that
the installed software version supports the board. If
not, you will need to obtain and install a Service
Update that does support the DISI before configuring
the system for the newly installed board(s).
Please refer to the Release Update document for up-
to-date information about support for PCI Express
boards and any known issues relating to their use.
9. Removing the Board
Removal of the DISI board is essentially the reverse
of the installation procedure:
1. Observe anti-static precautions.
2. Disconnect the telephony cables.
3. Remove the computer’s power cord.
4. Remove the computer’s cover.
5. Disconnect the CT Bus cable (if applicable).
6. Remove and set aside the board’s retaining screw.
7. Remove the board and place it static-protective
10.Contacting Technical Support
Dialogic provides technical support for its products
through a network of value added distributors who
are trained to answer technical questions on installing
and configuring Dialogic products. If you are unsure
how to contact your support channel, please call
Dialogic in the United States at 973-967-6600 (9am -
5pm EST) and we will assist in obtaining the
appropriate support channel. Outside the United
States please refer to http://www.dialogic.com/
support/contact to obtain local contact information.
Dialogic also provides direct support via Dialogic®
Pro™ Services agreements. For more details of direct
support from Dialogic please refer to http://
11.Returning a Product
To return a board for warranty repair or any other
returns, please refer to the following: