Dialogic® 3000 and 4000 Media Gateway Series Quickstart Guide
page 17
SIP Configuration
The SIP settings are configured in the Dialogic
software configuration tool.
Note: The graphics of the basic SIP configuration show the settings for a Dialogic
3000 Media Gateway Series.
1. To open the tool, click Start > Programs > Dialogic Diva > SIPcontrol Configuration.
Note: If you need help configuring the Dialogic
software settings:
• click the respective parameter in the configuration tool to open a window with the help text, or
• refer to the Dialogic
3000 and 4000 Media Gateway Series Reference Guide that provides a
detailed description of all parameters.
2. Under PSTN Interface Configuration, the controllers of the Dialogic
Media Board are listed and
enabled by default. Click the check boxes under Enabled to disable the controllers you do not use. See the
graphics of the Dialogic
Media Gateway rear panels under Installation on page 11 to identify which port
corresponds to which controller.
3. Go to Network Interface Configuration and set the SIP Listen Port to:
• 5060 if:
• you use a Dialogic
3000 Media Gateway with Microsoft
Exchange Server 2007, or
• you use a Dialogic
4000 Media Gateway and the Microsoft
Mediation Server is not installed on the
Media Gateway.
• 9803 if you use a Dialogic
4000 Media Gateway and the Microsoft
Mediation Server is installed on the
Media Gateway.
Check the Enabled box of your Ethernet adapter.