placing the lid on the motor base, the stir paddle
should fit into the lid.
7. Turn the On/Off dial to the right (on position). It is
important to turn the unit on first before pouring
in the mixture. The canister rotates while the stir
paddle remains stationary.
NOTE: The Ice Cream Maker is equipped with a
safety feature that automatically stops the unit if
the motor overheats. This may occur if the there
is too much liquid in the unit, the unit has been
running too long, or if added ingredients (nuts,
etc.) are too large. To reset the unit, turn the
ON/OFF switch to the OFF position. Let the unit
cool off. After a few minutes, you may turn the
unit on again and continue making the dessert or
8. Slowly pour the mixture in the top opening of the
lid. NOTE: Do not fill the canister higher than
inch from the top. It is at this time that you leave
the machine on for about 20 minutes (time varies,
depending on the coldness of the ingredients
and/or canister), or until mixture becomes the
desired thickness. If making ice cream, your result
should be a soft, custard-like ice cream.
NOTE: Continually check the ice cream mixture
while the unit is on.
9. When the frozen dessert is ready, make sure the unit
is off. Remove the lid and the mixture from the bowl
with a plastic spoon or plastic scoop. Do not use
metal utensils or metal objects in the canister.
10. Ice cream will be a custard like ice cream. If you pre-
fer hard ice cream, place ice cream in an air tight
container, then place in the the freezer and allow it
to set until it reaches your desired hardness. It is rec-
ommended to remove the frozen dessert from canis-
ter and place in an airtight, freezer safe container. If
the frozen dessert is left in the canister in the freezer,
it should only be for a short period of time (less
than 30 minutes) or the frozen dessert will freeze to
the canister and possibly damage the canister.