Keyword 2000 to RS-
01/20/04 Page 8 of 20
4.3 Gateway Messages
4.3.1 Gateway Commands
The SAINT Gateway supports the following commands:
Header ID Data Description
08h 80h None Perform Reset
08h 86h None Turn Time Stamp Information OFF
08h 87h None Turn Time Stamp Information ON
08h 88h None Turn Transmit Echo ON
08h 89h None Turn Transmit Echo OFF
08h 92 None Request Software Version
08h F0h D1-D12 Enable Gateway Trigger
08h F1h None Disable Gateway Trigger Reset
This command will cause the gateway to do a complete cold start. The gateway will ignore the next message. Time Stamp
This command controls whether a 16 bit time stamp is appended to the end of the bus message reports. Transmit Echo
This command controls whether transmitted messages are echoed back to the host when they are sent. Echoed
back messages will have their transmit bit set. Currently the transmit echo is disabled. Software Version Request
This command requests the gateway software version (ASCII). Trigger
This command will cause the gateway to toggle the trigger LED upon receiving the specified byte pattern. Up to
12 data bytes may be used. This feature is helpful for triggering an oscilloscope. (Not available with IDB firmware)