Frost prevention mode (anti-freeze setting)
Turn the thermostat dial to the position and press the switches. The appliance will maintain a
minimum room temperature of approximately 5°C (41 F) thus preventing freezing conditions with
a minimum energy consumption.
To completely shut unit off, ON/OFF switches must be in OFF position.
Please refer to the illustration below:
IMPORTANT: There are 96 notches around the dial. Each notch represents a 1/4 hour
(15 minutes). Your appliance can be programmed to switch itself ON and OFF at the time you
want. With the timer you can
approximate your settings to within 15 minutes and program up to 48 cycles (1 cycle = 1
“ON” + 1 “OFF”) over a period of 24 hours (12 hours a.m.+12 hours p.m.).
The notches can be pushed inwards or pulled outwards by merely using your finger tips. When the
notch is in the inward position (towards the center of the dial), the heater will operate during that
15 minute period. If the notch is in the outward position, the heater will not operate during this
period. If you want to bypass the timer, all notches must be pushed inward.
Clock setting
The program/timer, as with all clocks, must be set to the correct time. If for example the time is
9.30 a.m. (day zone), rotate the dial clockwise (following the direction of the arrow) until 9.30 is
aligned with the triangular pointer.
The timer is in effect an electric clock and would only work while it is plugged into a power supply.
When unplugged, the timer stops and must be later re-set.
Timer operation
a). Plug in the heater.
b). Turn timer dial clockwise to set clock with the current time of day (see above “Clock setting”).
c). Push notches inwards for the period you want the heater to operate. For example, in the
shown illustration, the heater will operate from 14.00 (2 p.m.) to 16.30 (4.30 p.m.) and from
4.45 a.m. to 5 a.m.
d). Once you have set the notches for the desired heating periods, your heater will cycle on and
off according to these settings.
e). As long as you keep the heater plugged in, the timer will continue to keep proper time.
IMPORTANT: never for any reason cover the appliance during operation as this could lead to
dangerous overheating.
Triangular pointer
Ta b