Double Whisk Beater: Figure 6
1) Use for light mixtures only. For example: egg whites,
cream, evaporated milk and for whisking eggs and sugar.
Heavier mixtures such as flour will damage the beater.
2) Fit the detachable drive shaft and bowl onto the power unit.
Push each beater securely into the drive head.
3) Fit the whisk by carefully turning it until it drops over the
drive shaft.
4) Add the ingredients. Fit the lid, ensuring the end of the
shaft is centered inside the lid.
5) Best results are obtained when the eggs are at room
temperature. Ensure that the bowl and whisks are clean
and free from grease before whisking.
Maxi-Blend Canopy: Figure 7
1) When blending liquids, use the maxi-blend canopy with the
blade assembly. It allows you to increase the liquid
processing capacity from 1 liter (34 oz.) to 1.5 liters
(50 oz.). It prevents leaking and improves the chopping
performance of the blade.
2) Fit the detachable drive shaft and bowl onto the power unit.
3) Carefully fit the blade assembly and add ingredients to be
4) Fit the canopy over the top of the blade ensuring that it sits
on the ledge inside the bowl. Note: Do not push down on
the canopy, hold it by the center grip.
5) Fit the lid.
Figure 7 Figure 8