System Setup Program A-3
Secondary IDE Slave Identifies the second drive attached to the sec-
ondary EIDE interface, usually a CD-ROM or
tape drive. See the “Device Configuration Sub-
menu” subsection in this appendix.
Boot Options Displays a submenu. See the “Boot Options
Submenu” subsection in this appendix.
Video Mode Displays the video mode detected by the
Base Memory Displays the maximum amount of memory
available to MS-DOS programs that do not use
expanded or extended memory. To change the
amount of base memory, see the “Chipset
Configuration Submenu” subsection in this
Extended Memory Displays the amount of system memory
available as extended memory.
Service Tag Displays system’s service tag number.
BIOS Version Displays the version of the BIOS being used.
Table A-1. Main Screen Categories
Category Function