Performing power control operations
You can perform power control operations on a server managed by OpenManage Essentials or an iDRAC.
• Performing power control operations on a server managed by OpenManage Essentials
• Performing Power Control Operations on an iDRAC
Performing power control operations on a server
managed by OpenManage Essentials
For devices managed by OpenManage Essentials, power control operations are supported only on
iDRACs and servers.
To perform a power control operation:
1. On the OpenManage Mobile home screen, tap the appropriate OpenManage Essentials console.
2. In the OpenManage Essentials dashboard, tap Devices by health.
The All Devices screen is displayed.
3. Tap the appropriate device category (for example, RAC), and then tap to select the device you want
to perform power control operation on.
The Device Details screen is displayed.
4. Tap the symbol.
The supported power control operations are displayed.