Notation Meaning and Use Example
to press <Esc> to exit the BIOS Configuration
Utility (<Ctrl> <R>).
<Tab> Press <Tab> to move the cursor to the next
control on a dialog box or page.
Press <Tab> to move the cursor to the next
parameter you want to change.
Press <Shift> <Tab> to move the cursor to the
previous control on a dialog or page.
Press <Shift> <Tab> to move the cursor from
Sort By to the previously selected PD in
thePD Mgmt screen.
Press <Ctrl> <N> to move to the next menu
screen among the main menu screens: VD
Mgmt, PD Mgmt, Ctrl Mgmt, and Foreign
Press <Ctrl> <N> on the VD Mgmt screen to
move to the PD Mgmt screen.
Press <Ctrl> <P> to move to the previous
menu screen among the main menu screens:
VD Mgmt, PD Mgmt, Ctrl Mgmt, and Foreign
Press <Ctrl> <P> on the PD Mgmt screen to
move to the VD Mgmt screen.
<F1> Press <F1> to accessHelp information. The
Help screens display a glossary of topics you
can use to access information about
navigation, RAID levels, and general topics.
<F2> Press <F2> to access the context menu,
which displays the list of options.
<F5> Press <F5> to refresh the information on the
<F11> Switch between two controllers. <F11>
<F12> Press <F12> to display a list of controllers. <F12>
Spacebar Press the <spacebar> to select an item. Press the <spacebar> to select or deselect a
controller setting in the Ctrl Mgmt View.
Setting up virtual disks
You can set up a disk group and create virtual disks using the procedures in this section. Each procedure
is explained individually in this section in detail.
To set up virtual disks:
1. Create virtual disks. See Creating virtual disks.
2. Select the virtual disk options.
3. Designate hot spares (optional).
For more information, see Managing dedicated hot spares.
4. Initialize the virtual disks.
NOTE: When you use one physical disk group to create multiple virtual disks, all the virtual disks
must be configured with the same RAID level.
When you define the virtual disks, you can set the following virtual disk parameters:
• RAID level