Driver installation
The Dell PowerEdge RAID Controller (PERC) 9 series of cards require software drivers to operate with the
supported operating systems.
This chapter contains the procedures for installing the drivers for the PERC 9 cards.
NOTE: The drivers for PERC 9 for VMware ESXi is packaged within the VMware ESXi ISO image
downloaded from Dell. For more information, see the VMware documentation at dell.com/
virtualizationsolutions. It is not recommended to have drivers from controllers prior to PERC 9 on
the same system.
The two methods for installing a driver discussed in this chapter are:
• Installing a driver during operating system installation: Use this method if you are performing a new
installation of the operating system and want to include the drivers.
• Updating existing drivers: Use this method if the operating system and the PERC 9 family of
controllers are already installed and you want to update to the latest drivers.
NOTE: It is recommended that you update existing operating system drivers after installation. Native
driver support is available for Windows 2012 R2.
Creating the device driver media
Use one of the following two methods to create the device driver media:
• Downloading Drivers From The Dell Systems Service And Diagnostic Tools Media
• Downloading Drivers From The Dell Support Website
Downloading drivers from the Dell support website
To download drivers from the Dell Support website:
1. Go to dell.com/support.
2. Enter the service tag of your system in the Choose by Service Tag to get started field or select
Choose from a list of all Dell products.
3. Select the System Type, Operating System, and Category from the drop-down list.
The drivers that are applicable to your selection are displayed.
4. Download the drivers that you require to a USB drive, CD, or DVD.
5. During the operating system installation, use the media that you created with the Load Driver option
to load mass storage drivers. For more information on reinstalling the operating system, see the
relevant section for your operating system below.