
Internationalization 201
The PowerVault NX3500 system provides full Unicode support allowing
support of various languages concurrently. Directories and file names are
maintained and managed internally in Unicode format (UTF-8).
Regardless of the encoding type used by the client who creates a file, the
PowerVault NX3500 system stores its file name or directory name in Unicode
format. When a non-Unicode client creates a file on a share, mount or
volume, the file is immediately converted to the appropriate Unicode
representation by the PowerVault NX3500 system.
Unicode Client Support Overview
Unicode clients may access Unicode directories and files natively, while other
non-Unicode clients (such as Windows 98, Windows ME, Mac OS 9.x
clients) may gain access to the file system due to the PowerVault NX3500
systems' ability to provide code page conversions of file names, directories,
shares and volumes, according to the code page used by the client.
Native Unicode clients include the following:
Microsoft Windows 7/Server 2008 R2
Microsoft Windows Vista/Server 2008
Microsoft Windows XP
Microsoft Windows 2000/2003
Microsoft Windows NT
UNIX-based clients