3-4 Dell PowerVault SAN Administrator’sGuide
f. Install Dell OpenManage Storage Consolidation. For instructions, see Chap-
ter 11, “Installing, Configuring, and Removing Microsoft Windows
SAN Software Components.“
g. Install failover software on all servers. The software must be installed in the
following order if the server uses both types of storage systems.
1. Install Dell OpenManage ATF on all servers to which 650F or 651F LUNs
will be assigned. For instructions, see Chapter 11, “Installing, Configur-
ing, and Removing Microsoft Windows SAN Software Components.“
2. Install QLDirect on all servers to which 660F LUNs will be assigned. For
instructions, see Chapter 11, “Installing, Configuring, and Removing
Microsoft Windows SAN Software Components.“
3. Connect all SAN cables.
a. Connect all switches.
b. Connect all servers.
c. Connect all storage array(s).
d. Connect all bridge(s).
4. Reboot all servers.
5. If you are using a PowerVault 660F, set the failover path in the QLogic Fibre Chan-
nel Configuration Utility on the servers that are to be assigned 660F LUNs, and
reboot the server. (Windows 2000 will require an additional reboot when it dis-
covers new devices.) For instructions, see “Configuring QLconfig to Set Primary
and Secondary Failover Paths for the 660F” in Chapter 11.
6. Install LUN management software on all servers.
• On one or two of the servers (two are recommended for redundancy) to
which 650F or 651F LUNs will be assigned, install Data Managed Node and
either Data Supervisor or Data Administrator. For instructions, see Chapter
11, “Installing, Configuring, and Removing Microsoft Windows
SAN Software Components.“
• On one of the servers to which 660F LUNs will be assigned, install Dell
OpenManage Array Manager. For instructions, see Chapter 11, “Installing,
Configuring, and Removing Microsoft Windows SAN Software
NOTE: You need to install Data Managed Node for 650F and 651Fs and Dell
OpenManage Array Manager for 660Fs on only one server per zone.
7. Bind or create LUNS.
• Bind LUNs in the 650F and 651Fs. For instructions, see “Managing LUNS in
PowerVault 650F, 651F, and 630F Storage Systems” inChapter14orseethe
Dell OpenManage Data Supervisor, Event Monitor, and Integrator Installation
and Operation
guide or the
Dell OpenManage Data Administrator Installation
and Operation Guide