Storage 5% to 95% at a maximum wet bulb temperature of 33
°C (91 °F)
Maximum vibration
Operating 0.26 G
at 5 Hz to 350 Hz in operational orientation
Storage 1.88 G
at 10 Hz to 500 Hz for 15 minutes (all six
sides tested)
Maximum shock
One shock pulse in the positive z axis of the system at
31 G for 2.6 ms in the operational orientation
Storage Six consecutively executed shock pulses in the positive
and negative x, y, and z axes (one pulse on each side of
the system) at 71 G for up to 2 ms
Operating Maximum 3000 m (9842.5 ft)
NOTE: For altitudes above 2950 ft, the maximum
operating temperature is derated 1.8 ºF/1000 ft.
Storage Maximum 12192 m ( 40,000 ft)
Airborne contaminant level
Class G1 as defined by ISA-S71.04-1985