Mezzanine Cards
Mezzanine slots Two mezzanine PCIe x8 Gen 3 slots supporting dual-port
Gb Ethernet, 10 Gb Ethernet, FC8 Fibre Channel, or
Infiniband mezzanine cards
Video type Matrox G200 integrated with iDRAC
Video memory MB shared with iDRAC application memory
NVRAM backup battery CR 2032 3.0 V Lithium coin cell
NOTE: For additional information about environmental measurements for specific system configurations, see
Storage temperature –40 °C to 65 °C (–40 °F to 149 °F) with a maximum
temperature gradation of 20 °C per hour.
Standard operating temperature Continuous operation: 10 °C to 35 °C at 10% to 80%
relative humidity (RH), with 26 °C max dew point. De-rate
maximum allowable dry bulb temperature at 1 °C per 300
m above 900 m (1 °F per 550 ft).
Expanded operating temperature
NOTE: When operating in the expanded temperature
range, system performance may be impacted.
NOTE: When operating in the expanded temperature
range, ambient temperature warnings may be
reported on the LCD and in the System Event Log.
≤ 10% of annual operating hours 5 °C to 40 °C at 5% to 85% RH with 26 °C dew point.
NOTE: Outside the standard operating temperature
(10 °C to 35 °C), the system can operate down to 5 °C
or up to 40 °C for a maximum of 10% of its annual
operating hours.
For temperatures between 35 °C and 40 °C, de-rate
maximum allowable dry bulb temperature by 1 °C per 175
m above 950 m (1 °F per 319 ft).
≤ 1% of annual operating hours –5 °C to 45 °C at 5% to 90% RH with 26 °C dew point.
NOTE: Outside the standard operating temperature
(10 °C to 35 °C), the system can operate down to –5
°C or up to 45 °C for a maximum of 1% of its annual
operating hours.