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Setting Up the Monitor
Dell™IN2010NFlatPanelMonitorUser's Guide
Attaching the Base
Connecting the Monitor
Attaching the Soundbar (Optional)
Removing the Base
Attaching the Base
After placing the monitor panel on a soft cloth or cushion, complete the following steps to attach the base.
1. Place the monitor on a flat surface.
2. Attach the base to the monitor.
Connecting Your Monitor
To connect your monitor to the computer perform the following steps/instructions:
1. Turnoffyourcomputeranddisconnectthepowercable.
2. Connecttheblue(analogVGA)displayconnectorcabletothecorrespondingvideoportonthebackofyourcomputer.
Connecting the blue VGA cable
After you have completed connecting the VGA cable, follow the procedure below to complete your monitor setup:
1. Plugthepowercablesforyourcomputerandmonitorintoanearbyoutlet.
NOTE: The base is detached when the monitor is shipped from the factory.
CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions.
NOTE: The Graphics are used for the purpose of illustration only. Appearance of the the computer may vary.