10 Platform Guide
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1650 Any Emulex LP982
Emulex LP9802
QLogic QLA2340
Install the HBAs in any
available PCI slots.
1750 Any Emulex LP982
Emulex LP9802
QLogic QLA2340
Install the HBAs in any
available PCI or
PCI-X slots.
1800 N/A Emulex LP982
Emulex LP9802
QLogic QLA2340
Install the HBAs in
PCI/PCI-X slots 1, 5, or 6.
Emulex LP1050-EX Install the HBAs in PCIe
slots 2 and 3.
1850 Standard Emulex LP982
Emulex LP9802
QLogic QLA2340
Install the HBAs in
PCI-X slots 1 and 2.
PCI-X with ROMB Emulex LP982
Emulex LP9802
QLogic QLA2340
Install the HBAs in
PCI-X slots 1 and 2.
PCIe with ROMB Emulex LP1050-EX Install the HBAs in PCIe
slots 1 and 2.
2500 N/A Emulex LP982
Emulex LP9802
QLogic QLA2340
Install the HBAs in
PCI slots 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5.
2550 N/A QLogic QLA2340 Install the HBAs in any
available PCI slots.
2600 N/A Emulex LP982
Emulex LP9802
QLogic QLA2340
Install the HBAs in
PCI-X slots 2, 3, 4, or 5.
2650 N/A Emulex LP982
Emulex LP9802
QLogic QLA2340
Install the HBAs in any
available PCI or
PCI-X slots.
2800 N/A Emulex LP982
Emulex LP9802
QLogic QLA2340
Install the HBAs in
PCI-X slots 2, 3, 4, or 5.
Emulex LP1050-EX Install the HBAs in PCIe
slots 6 and 7.
2850 PCI-X Emulex LP982
Emulex LP9802
QLogic QLA2340
Install the HBAs in any
available PCI-X slots.
Table 1-4. PCI Slot Assignments for PowerEdge Cluster Nodes (continued)
PowerEdge System Riser Board Option HBA PCI Slot Assignment