Dellâ„¢ Printer Configuration Web Tool
LDAP Server
To specify the settings of the LDAP server.
Va l ues :
LDAP Authentication
To specify the LDAP server authentication method.
Va l ues :
LDAP User Mapping
To specify the settings of the LDAP user mapping.
Va l ues :
Server Information
(for ColorTrack PRO)
IP Address / Host Name &
Sets IP address or the host name, and the port address. The port
address must be 389, 636, 3268, 3269, or between 5000 and 65535.
When LDAPS communication is required, set the port number to
636, and when you use the global catalog, set the port number to
LDAP Server Displays the current software information of the LDAP server.
Optional Information
(for Server Address/Phone
Search Directory Root Enter the search directory root.
Login Credentials to Access
LDAP Server
Select credential used to access the LDAP server.
Login Name Enter the login name.
Password Enter the login password using 1 to 127 alphanumeric characters.
Re-enter Password Enter the login password again to confirm it.
Search Time-Out Select Wait LDAP Server Limit to follow the time specified by the
LDAP server. Select Wait to specify the time between 5 and 120
Search Name Order Sets the search order.
Server Address Book Select the check box to enable you to search the e-mail addresses in
the LDAP server when sending e-mails from the printer.
Server Phone Book Select the check box to enable you to search the fax numbers in the
LDAP server when sending faxes from the printer.
LDAP Authentication (for
Server Address/Phone Book)
Authentication Method Shows the authentication method.
Use Added Text String Select whether to use the added text string from the list.
Text String Added to User
Enter the added text string.
Common Name Sets the attribute type of the common name set for the LDAP server.
Surname Sets the attribute type of the surname set for the LDAP server.
Given Name Sets the attribute type of the given name set for the LDAP server.
E-mail Address Sets the attribute type of the e-mail address set for the LDAP server.
Fax Phone Sets the attribute type of the fax phone number set for the LDAP server.