
WARNING: The processor will be hot to touch for some time after the system has been powered
down. Allow the processor to cool before removing it.
CAUTION: The processor is held in its socket under strong pressure. Be aware that the release
lever can spring up suddenly if not firmly grasped.
1. Release the open first socket lever near the unlock icon by pushing the lever down and out from
under the tab.
2. Release the close first socket release lever near the lock icon by pushing the lever down and out
from under the tab. Lift the lever 90 degrees upward.
3. Lower the open first socket-release lever to lift the processor shield.
4. Hold the tab on the processor shield and lift the processor shield until the open first socket-release
lever lifts up.
CAUTION: The socket pins are fragile and can be permanently damaged. Be careful not to
bend the pins in the socket when removing the processor out of the socket.
5. Lift the processor out of the socket and leave the open first socket-release lever up.
NOTE: If you are permanently removing the processor, you must install a socket protective cap
in the vacant socket to protect the socket pins and keep the socket free of dust.
NOTE: After removing the processor, place it in an anti-static container for reuse, return, or
temporary storage. Do not touch the bottom of the processor. Touch only the side edges of
the processor.