
omconfig: Managing Components Using the Instrumentation Service 73
omconfig chassis info
Use the omconfig chassis info command to enter an asset tag name for your system and a chassis name
for your system. If your system is a modular one, you can enter asset tag names for modular components
as well. Table 4-9 shows the valid parameters for the command.
In the following example, the asset tag for the main system chassis is being set to buildsys:
omconfig chassis info index=0 tag=buildsys
Index 0 always defaults to main system chassis. The following command omits index=n, but
accomplishes the same thing:
omconfig chassis info tag=buildsys
An acceptable command, when executed, results in the following message:
Chassis info set successfully.
For some chassis, you can assign a different name. You cannot rename the main system chassis. In the
example below, the command renames chassis 2 from storscsi1 to storscsia:
omconfig chassis info index=2 name=storscsia
Table 4-8. omconfig chassis frontpanel
name=value pair 1 name=value pair 2 Description
lcdindex=<index> NA Specify the LCD line number.
config=none | default
| custom
NA none: Set the LCD text to none.
default: Set the LCD text to default.
custom: Set the LCD text to custom.
text=<custom text> NA Set the custom text for LCD when config=custom.
nmibutton enable=true | false true: Enables the NMI button on the system.
false: Disables the NMI button on the system.
powerbutton enable=true | false true: Enables the Power button on the system.
false: Disables the Power button on the system.
Table 4-9. omconfig chassis info
name=value pair Description
index=<n> Number of the chassis whose asset tag or name you are setting.
tag=<text> Asset tag in the form of alphanumeric text. Letters or numbers
cannot exceed 10 characters.
name=<text> Name of the chassis.