68 | Using the System Setup Program
Command Line Interface for Setup Options
The options of SETUP menu allow users to control by system configuration
utility (syscfg). The utility is included in Dell OpenManage Deployment
Toolkit (DTK).
Users can use the utility as following:
• To change the SETUP option by D4 token:
./syscfg –t=D4_token_id
(Example: ./syscfg -t=0x002D to enable NIC1 Option ROM)
• To check token activity status:
./syscfg --
(Example: ./syscfg --istokenactive=0x002D to check the token activity
status of NIC1 Option ROM)
• To change the SETUP option through BMC memory directly:
./impitool raw <command> <data>
(Example: ./impitool raw 0xc 1 1 3 10 106 42 120 to set IP address of
BMC LAN port as
Table 2-1. The D4 Token Table
Token Setup Option Description
002D NIC1 Option ROM
Enable the system’s primary embedded
network interface controller (full
function), including its PXE boot-ROM.
002E NIC Function Support
Disable the system’s onboard network
interface controller.
Enable the system BIOS, on the next
reboot, to search for an operating-
system-initiated BIOS update image.
Disable the BIOS update. This value is
set by the BIOS on each reboot of the
006E NIC1 Option ROM
Enable the system’s primary embedded
network interface controller, but does
not enable the NIC’s associated PXE or
RPL boot-ROM.
009B Legacy USB Support Enable USB emulation