There are four power-saving modes:
No Power
(default mode)
All power savings features are disabled.
Power Savings
Spin down is enabled only for unconfigured and hot spare disks.
Power Savings
Spin down is enabled for configured, unconfigured, and hot spare disks.
NOTE: The maximum power savings mode is not supported by the H330
PERC card.
Power Savings
All power savings features are customizable. You can specify a Quality of Service
window during which the configured disks are excluded from spin-down.
NOTE: The customized power savings mode is not supported by the H330
PERC card.
Configured spin down delay
NOTE: The Configured Spin Down Delay option is not applicable for the No Power Savings mode.
The amount of time to wait before spinning down disks can be set using Configured Spin Down Delay.
The minimum value of the timer is 30 minutes (default) and the maximum is one day. Disks are spun
down automatically and spun up when accessed. All disks are spun up on reboot.
NOTE: There is a delay in I/O operations when a configured disk is being spun up.
Types of virtual disk initialization
PERC 9 series supports two types of virtual disk initialization:
• Full Initialization
• Fast Initialization
CAUTION: Initializing virtual disks erases files and file systems while keeping the virtual disk
configuration intact.
NOTE: The following initialization operations are not applicable for non-RAID disks.
Full initialization
Performing a full initialization on a virtual disk overwrites all blocks and destroys any data that previously
existed on the virtual disk. Full initialization of a virtual disk eliminates the need for the virtual disk to
undergo a Background initialization (BGI). Full initialization can be performed after the virtual disk is
During full initialization, the host cannot access the virtual disk. You can start a full initialization on a
virtual disk by using the Slow Initialize option in the Dell OpenManage storage management application.
For more information on using the BIOS Configuration Utility to perform a full initialization, see
Initializing virtual disks.