6. Click OK.
7. For the changes to take effect without restarting the system, use the Restart Management Agents
option in the Direct Console User Interface (DCUI) on the local console of the VMware ESXi system.
NOTE: This option is available under Troubleshooting Options in ESXi 4.1.
If the changes are not effective and you cannot connect to the VMware ESXi host using Server
Administrator, restart the VMware ESXi host system.
Enabling CIM OEM Providers Using vSphere CLI (For VMware ESXi 4.0/ESXi
To enable CIM OEM providers on the VMware ESXi system using vSphere CLI:
1. If you are using vSphere CLI on Windows, navigate to the directory where you have installed the
vSphere CLI utilities. On Linux, proceed to step 2.
2. Execute the command vicfg-advcfg.pl --server <ip_address of ESXi host> --
username <user_name> --password <password> --set 1
NOTE: For ESXi 4.0, use CIMOEMProvidersEnabled and for ESXi 4.1, use
The .pl extension is not required if you are using vSphere CLI on Linux.
3. For the changes to take effect without restarting the system, use the Restart Management Agents
option in the DCUI on the local console of the VMware ESXi system.
NOTE: This option is available under Troubleshooting Options in ESXi 4.1.
If the changes are not effective and you cannot connect to the VMware ESXi host using Server
Administrator, restart the VMware ESXi host system.
Enabling CIM OEM Providers Using vMA (For VMware ESXi 4.0/ESXi 4.1)
To enable CIM OEM providers on the VMware ESXi system using vMA:
1. Log in to the vMA as an administrator and provide the password when prompted.
2. Execute the command vicfg-advcfg --server <ip_address of ESXi host> --username
<user_name> --password <password> --set 1 UserVars.CIMOEMProvidersEnabled
NOTE: For ESXi 4.0, use CIMOEMProvidersEnabled and for ESXi 4.1, use
3. For the changes to take effect without restarting the system, use the Restart Management Agents
option in the DCUI on the local console of the VMware ESXi system.
If the changes are not effective and you cannot connect to the VMware ESXi host using Server
Administrator, restart the VMware ESXi host system.