Event Message Severity Cause
SBE Log Disabled
correctable memory error
logging disabled was
Critical This event is generated when the
ECC single bit error rate is
CPU Protocol Err
transition to non-
Critical This event is generated when the
processor protocol enters a non-
recoverable state.
CPU Bus PERR transition
to non-recoverable.
Critical This event is generated when the
processor bus PERR enters a
non-recoverable state.
CPU Init Err transition
to non-recoverable.
Critical This event is generated when the
processor initialization enters a
non-recoverable state.
CPU Machine Chk
transition to non-
Critical This event is generated when the
processor machine check enters
a non-recoverable state.
Logging Disabled all
event logging disabled
was asserted.
Critical This event is generated when all
event logging is disabled.
LinkT/FlexAddr: Link
Tuning sensor, device
option ROM failed to
support link tuning or
flex address (Mezz XX)
was asserted
Critical This event is generated when the
PCI device option ROM for a NIC
does not support link tuning or
the Flex addressing feature.
LinkT/FlexAddr: Link
Tuning sensor, failed to
program virtual MAC
address (<location>) was
Critical This event is generated when
BIOS fails to program virtual MAC
address on the given NIC device.
PCIE NonFatal Er: Non
Fatal IO Group sensor,
PCIe error(<location>)
Warning This event is generated in
association with a CPU IERR.
I/O Fatal Err: Fatal IO
Group sensor, fatal IO
error (<location>)
Critical This event is generated in
association with a CPU IERR and
indicates the PCI/PCIe device
that caused the CPU IERR.
Unknown system event
sensor unknown system
hardware failure was
Critical This event is generated when an
unknown hardware failure is