utility, modify the path statement to include that directory. (See your MS-DOS reference documentation for information on
modifying the autoexec.bat file.)
Microsoft Updated ATAPI Drivers
Microsoft updated ATAPI drivers (provided for Windows NT 4.0 operating system) offer a performance improvement by off-loading
certain functions from the system processor during multithreaded operations. Dell has installed the Microsoft updated ATAPI driver
for your operating system, and it is operative when you receive your computer. No further installation or configuration is needed.
NOTE: If Windows NT 4.0 is reinstalled, the Microsoft updated ATAPI drivers must also be reinstalled.
The driver for Windows NT 4.0 has also been copied to your hard-disk drive in diskette-image form. If you need to reinstall or
remove this driver, you can do so as described in the following subsections.
Reinstalling the Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Updated ATAPI Driver
NOTE: To install the Microsoft updated ATAPI driver for Windows NT 4.0, you must have a mouse connected to the
system and Windows NT 4.0 must already be installed on the hard-disk drive connected to the primary EIDE channel.
To reinstall the Microsoft updated ATAPI driver for Windows NT 4.0, perform the following steps:
1. If you have not already done so, use the Program Diskette Maker to make a diskette copy of the Dell Microsoft updated
ATAPI driver diskette image on your hard-disk drive.
The Program Diskette Maker is available through the Dell Accessories program folder. For more information, refer to the
online help provided in the Program Diskette Maker.
2. Start the Windows NT operating system. If you are already running Windows NT, close any open documents or application
3. Insert the Microsoft updated ATAPI driver diskette in drive A.
4. Click the Start button.
5. Click Run, type a:\setup.bat in the Run window, and then click OK.
A black screen will quickly appear and disappear, which indicates that the driver file has been loaded. Setup automatically
saves the existing atapi. sys driver as atapi.000 and loads the new driver into the system32\drivers subdirectory in the
Windows NT directory.
6. Remove the diskette from drive A. Then restart the computer.
NOTE: To enable or disable direct memory access (DMA) while using the Microsoft updated ATAPI driver, run
dmacheck.exe from \support\utils\i386 on the Microsoft Windows NT Service Pack 3 CD-ROM.
CAUTION: If your system contains an Iomega Zip drive, do not enable DMA for the updated ATAPI driver for
Windows NT 4.0. Doing so will result in loss of data on your system.
Removing the Windows NT 4.0 Microsoft Updated ATAPI Driver
To remove the Microsoft updated ATAPI driver, follow these steps:
1. Start the Windows NT operating system. If you are already running Windows NT, close any open documents or application
2. Use Explorer to open the system32\drivers subdirectory in the Windows NT directory.
3. Rename the existing atapi.sys file to atapi.bak.
4. Rename the atapi.000 file to atapi.sys.
5. Restart the computer.