262 Glossary
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communications protocol that functions similarly to
Interrupt request. An electronic pathway assigned to
a specific device so that the device can communicate
with the microprocessor. Each device connection
must be assigned an IRQ. For example, the first serial
port in your computer is typically assigned to IRQ4.
Although two devices can share the same IRQ
assignment, you cannot operate both devices
Industry-Standard Architecture. A standard for
IBM-compatible PCs that extends the bus
architecture to 16 bits. It also allows for bus
mastering, although only the first 16 MB of RAM are
available for direct access. ISA is sometimes referred
to as AT bus architecture.
International Organization for Standardization. A
voluntary organization founded in 1946, comprised
of the national standards organizations of many
countries. ISO determines international standards in
many areas, including computers and
communications. ANSI is the American member of
Kilobit(s). A measurement of data that equals 1024
bits. A measurement of the capacity of memory
integrated circuits. See also KB.
Kilobyte(s). A measurement of data that equals 1,024
bytes. 1024 KB equals 1 MB.
Kilogram(s). A measurement of mass that equals
1,000 grams.
Kilohertz. A measurement of frequency that equals
1,000 Hz.
L1 Cache
Level 1 cache. A small, very fast primary cache that is
stored inside the microprocessor. It is faster than the
L2 cache.
L2 Cache
Level 2. A larger, slower secondary cache used with
the L1 cache. In older microprocessors, the L2 cache
was usually external to the processor, contained on
chip(s) or an expansion card. On more recent
processors the L2 cache is typically integrated into
the processor.
Pound(s). A measurement of weight that equals 16 oz
or 0.453592 kg.
Logical block addressing. A defining feature of EIDE
that allows a computer to address a hard drive larger
than 528 MB, up to 8.4 GB in data storage capacity.
A logical block address is a 28-bit value that maps to
a specific cylinder-head-sector address on the drive.
Light-emitting diode. An electronic component that
lights up when a current is passed through it.
Low insertion force. A type of socket or connector that
allows a computer chip to be installed or removed
with minimal stress applied to either the chip or its
socket. See ZIF.
Local Bus
A bus that allows chips and other components in the
computer to access the microprocessor at a speed
synchronized with the microprocessor bus speed.