Dell PowerEdge 4x00 and 6x00 Systems Rack Installation Guide 1
This installation guide provides instructions for trained service technicians installing
one or more Dell
PowerEdge 4
00 and 6
00 computer systems in a Dell rack. One
rack kit is required for each PowerEdge system to be installed in the rack. The rack kit
includes the following items (see Figure 1):
One pair of slide assemblies with mounting brackets*
Six rails*
Two rack adapters
One cable-management arm
One cable tray
One cage-nut installation tool
Nine 10-32 x 0.5-inch pan-head Phillips-head screws*
Thirty-three 10-32 x 0.25-inch pan-head Phillips-head screws*
Five 6-32 x 0.25-inch pan-head Phillips-head screws
Two 10-32 cage nuts*
* If you purchased a Dell rack with your PowerEdge system, some of the hardware may be pre-
installed in the rack.
NOTE: The nonmetric screws called out in illustrations and referenced in procedural
steps are identified first by size and then by the number of threads per inch. For exam-
ple, a #10 Phillips-head screw with 32 threads per inch is identified as a 10-32 screw.