0x04: HDMI
0x07: Wireless/LAN
Password 0xefbe 0x10 0x0009 0xaaf9 0x1111 0x0005 0x56 4byte: Original Password
Change Password 0xefbe 0x10 0x000d 0x99fa 0x1111 0x0009 0x57
4byte: Original Password
4byte: New Password
H. Frequency 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xfe3c 0x1111 0x0001 0x59 (KHz)
V. Frequency 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xbe3d 0x1111 0x0001 0x5a (Hz)
H. Sync Polarity 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x7ffd 0x1111 0x0001 0x5b
0x01: Negative
0x02: Postivite
V. Sync Polarity 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x3e3f 0x1111 0x0001 0x5c
0x01: Negative
0x02: Postivite
Key Pad Lock State 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xffff 0x1111 0x0001 0x5d
0x01: Key Pad Lock On
0x02: Key Pad Lock Off
Mute Off 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x7e3e 0x1111 0x0001 0x5f
Get Mute State 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xffee 0x1111 0x0001 0x61
0x00 : Mute Off
0x01 : Mute On
Freeze Off 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xbfef 0x1111 0x0001 0x62
Unhide 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x3fed 0x1111 0x0001 0x64
Get Hide State 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xfe2d 0x1111 0x0001 0x65
0x00: Unhide
0x01: Hide
OSD Transparancy
0xefbe 0x10 0x0006 0x5adc 0x1111 0x0002 0x66 0x00~0x0f Range (0x00~0x0f)
OSD Transparancy
0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x7fec 0x1111 0x0001 0x67 Range (0x00~0x0f)
Volume Write 0xefbe 0x10 0x0006 0xdb18 0x1111 0x0002 0x68 0x00~0x14 Range (0x00~0x14)
0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xfe28 0x1111 0x0001 0x69
Temp Alert 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xbe29 0x1111 0x0001 0x6a
0x00: Normal
0x01: Abnormal
Exit Lockup 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xffeb 0x1111 0x0001 0x6d
Closed Captions 0xefbe 0x10 0x0006 0x7e2a 0x1111 0x0002 0x6f 0x00~0x04
0x00: Off
0x01: CC1
0x02: CC2
0x03: CC3
0x04: CC4
Power Saving 0xefbe 0x10 0x0006 0xfe66 0x1111 0x0002 0x81
0x00 : Off
0x1e : 30 min
0x3c : 60 min
0x5a : 90 min
0x78 : 120min
Quick Shutdown 0xefbe 0x10 0x0006 0xbe67 0x1111 0x0002 0x82 0x00~0x01
0x00: No
0x01: Yes
Lamp-Mode 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x7fa7 0x1111 0x0001 0x83
0x00: Eco
0x01: Normal
Operating Hours 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x3e65 0x1111 0x0001 0x84 Hours (2 byte)
Password Off 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xffa5 0x1111 0x0002 0x85
Password Delete 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xbfa4 0x1111 0x0002 0x86
Speaker 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x7e64 0x1111 0x0002 0x87 0x00~0x01
0x00: Off
0x01: On
Speaker Status 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x3e60 0x1111 0x0001 0x88
0x00: Off
0x01: On
Zoom Status 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xffa0 0x1111 0x0001 0x89 0x00~0x0a Range 0x00~0x0a
Get Power Saving
0xefbe 0x10 0x0006 0xbfa1 0x1111 0x0002 0x8a
0x00 : Off
0x1e : 30 min
0x3c : 60 min
0x5a : 90 min
0x78 : 120min
0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x7e61 0x1111 0x0001 0x8b
Source-Wireless Off 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x3fa3 0x1111 0x0001 0x8c
Source-Wireless On 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xfe63 0x1111 0x0001 0x8d
Source-USB Display 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0xbe62 0x1111 0x0001 0x8e
Source-USB Viewer 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x7fa2 0x1111 0x0001 0x8f
System Status 0xefbe 0x10 0x0005 0x7e46 0x1111 0x0001 0xff
0x01: Standby
0x02: Warm Up
0x03: Power On
0x04: Cooling
0x05: Power Saving
Note 2: After power on the projector, wait for 5 seconds before sending next command.
Note 3: The range will depend on VGA input resolution.
Note 4: If sending multiple commands, check that a response has been received from the projector before sending
next command.
Information in this document is subject to change without notice.
© 2011 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.