Appendix 87
Japan (Kawasaki)
International Access Code: 001
Country Code: 81
City Code: 44
Technical Support (Server) toll free: 0120-1984-35
Technical Support (Dimension™ and Inspiron™)
Technical Support Outside of Japan (Dimension
and Inspiron)
toll free: 0120-1982-26
Technical Support (Dell Precision™, OptiPlex™
and Latitude™)
Technical Support Outside of Japan (Dell
Precision, OptiPlex, and Latitude)
toll free: 0120-1984-33
24-Hour Automated Order Service 044 556-3801
Customer Care 044 556-4240
Home and Small Business Group Sales 044 556-3344
Business Sales Division (up to 400 employees) 044 556 1465
Preferred Accounts Division Sales (over 400
044 556-3433
Large Corporate Accounts Sales (over 3500
044 556-3430
Government, Education, and Medical Sales 044 556 3345
Dell Global Japan 044 556 3469
Individual User 044 556 1760
Faxbox Service 044 556-3490
Switchboard 044 556-4300
Website: http://support.jp.dell.com
Korea (Seoul)
International Access Code: 001
Country Code: 82
City Code: 2
Technical Support toll free: 080-200-3800
Sales toll free: 080-200-3777
Customer Service (Seoul, Korea) 2194-6220
Customer Service (Penang, Malaysia) 604 633 4949
Fax 2194-6202
Switchboard 2194-6000
Country (City)
International Access Code
Country Code
City Code
Department Name or Service Area,
Website and E-mail Address
Area Codes,
Local Numbers, and
Toll Free Numbers