52 Advanced Troubleshooting
If you run a test from the
Custom Test
Symptom Tree
option, click the applicable tab
described in the following table for more information.
Close the test screen to return to the
screen. To exit the Dell Diagnostics and
restart the computer, close the
What Is a Driver?
A driver is a program that controls a device such as a printer, mouse, or keyboard. All devices
require a driver program.
A driver acts like a translator between the device and any other programs that use the device.
Each device has its own set of specialized commands that only its driver recognizes.
Dell ships your computer to you with required drivers already installed—no further installation
or configuration is needed.
Many drivers, such as the keyboard driver, come with your Microsoft
system. You may need to install drivers if you:
• Upgrade your operating system.
• Reinstall your operating system.
• Connect or install a new device.
Tab Function
Results Displays the results of the test and any error conditions
Errors Displays error conditions encountered, error codes, and the
problem description.
Help Describes the test and may indicate requirements for running
the test.
Configuration Displays your hardware configuration for the selected device.
The Dell Diagnostics obtains configuration information for all
devices from system setup, memory, and various internal tests,
and it displays the information in the device list in the left pane
of the screen. The device list may not display the names of all
the components installed on your computer or all devices
attached to your computer.
Parameters Allows you to customize the test by changing the test settings.