4-6 Dell Inspiron 3000 Reference and Troubleshooting Guide
The Key-Help option displays a list of available key con-
trols. The Quit Menu option returns you to the previous
Select (Under Subtest)
Select in the Subtest menu allows you to select individual
subtests to tailor the testing process to your particular
needs. You can choose one or more subtests from the list.
When you choose Select, five options are displayed: All,
One, Clear All, Key-Help, and Quit Menu.
To select all the test groups, highlight All in the Select
menu, and then press <Enter>. To select an individual
subtest, either highlight the subtest and press the
<Spacebar> or highlight One and press <Enter>.
To reverse a subtest selection, highlight the subtest and
press the <Spacebar>. To clear all selected subtests,
select Clear All.
The Key-Help option displays a list of available key con-
trols. The Quit Menu option returns you to the previous
Options (Under Subtest)
The Options option in the Subtest menu functions in the
same manner as the Options option in the Main menu.
For information on this option, see “Options” found later
in this section.
Test Limits (Under Subtest)
The Test Limits option in the Subtest menu functions in
the same manner as the Test Limits option in the Main
menu. For information on this option, see “Test Limits”
found later in this section.
About (Under Subtest)
The About option in the Subtest menu displays informa-
tion about the highlighted subtest, such as its limits and
parameters and how to set them.
Key-Help (Under Subtest)
The Key-Help option in the Subtest menu displays a list
of available key controls.
Quit Menu (Under Subtest)
The Quit Menu option in the Subtest menu returns you to
the Main menu.
Table 4-1 lists all possible values for each global parame-
ter of Options. A brief description of each parameter
follows the table. To select a parameter, press the up- or
down-arrow key. To change the values within fields, use
the left- or right-arrow key, the <Spacebar> key, or the
plus (+) and minus (–) keys. If the value within a field is
numeric, you can type in the number. (If you make a mis-
take, type in zeros until the field is filled with zeros and
then start again.)
55899BK1.BK : 55899c41.fm Page 6 Wednesday, February 4, 1998 1:20 PM