
Using a Dell DJ MP3 player for field playback of bird songs. Rev A2, November, 2005
© Copyright Stuart Healy www.aztrogon.com Page 18 of 25
Step 4 – Convert edited tracks to MP3 format
This is another fairly straightforward task which is simplified by the ability to select multiple files for
simultaneous conversion. In fact, if you don’t organize files in family name folders as I do, all files could
be selected and converted in one fell swoop. Not my style though.
In the Musicmatch Screen 7 example, I’m converting three additions to the Quail family to five previously
There are a couple of minor operational annoyances associated with this operation.
Firstly, the full pathname of the source and destination locations are not shown in the display. In this
example, note that the locations for source and destinations seem to be the same. However, even though
I’m using the same sub folder names, I locate the edited WAV files (source) and the converted output
files (destination) in separate master folders, as shown in the folder display on the previous page.
Secondly, the issue is compounded by the fact that, by default, the format function sets the destination
equal to the source. Since the pathname isn’t shown in the display, it’s easy to forget to change the
destination; eventually you’ll realize that the converted files aren’t where you intended.