Dell Printer Configuration Web Tool 237
Encryption Select the security method from the list.
No Security Sets No Security to configure
the wireless setting without
specifying a security method
from WEP, WPA-PSK, and
WEP Sets the WEP to use through
the wireless network.
*1, 2
Sets the WPA-PSK to use
through the wireless network.
WEP Encryption Select the WEP key code from either Hex or Ascii.
WEP Key 1 Sets the WEP key set used through the wireless
network only when WEP 128bit or WEP 64bit is
selected for Encryption.
Re-enter WEP
Key 1
Enters the WEP key 1 again to confirm it.
WEP Key 2 Sets the WEP key set used through the wireless
network only when WEP 128bit or WEP 64bit is
selected for Encryption.
Re-enter WEP
Key 2
Enters the WEP key 2 again to confirm it.
WEP Key 3 Sets the WEP key set used through the wireless
network only when WEP 128bit or WEP 64bit is
selected for Encryption.
Re-enter WEP
Key 3
Enters the WEP key 3 again to confirm it.
WEP Key 4 Sets the WEP key set used through the wireless
network only when WEP 128bit or WEP 64bit is
selected for Encryption.
Re-enter WEP
Key 4
Enters the WEP key 4 again to confirm it.
Transmit Key Sets the transmit key type from the list.
WPA-PSK Pass Phrase Sets the pass phrase.
Re-enter Pass
Enters the pass phrase again to confirm it.