594 Understanding Printer Messages
FILE LOCATION: C:\Users\fxstdpc-
031-528 Press the
(Set) button, or wait for 30 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check if the printer can communicate via network with the
forwarding destination SMB server. For example, check the following:
• Connection of a network cable
• TCP/IP setting
• Communication with Port 137 (UDP), 138 (UDP), and 139 (TCP).
For communication beyond the subnet, contact your system administrator.
031-529 Press the
(Set) button, or wait for 30 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check if password is correct.
031-530 Press the
(Set) button, or wait for 30 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check if storage location is correct. Storage location you
specified is DFS setting, and check if it is linked to other server. Specify
directly linked server, share name, and storage location.
031-531 Press the
(Set) button, or wait for 30 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check access right of the folder you specified.
031-532 Press the
(Set) button, or wait for 30 seconds for the printer to
recover. Change file name and forwarding destination folder, or move or
delete file in forwarding destination folder.
031-533 Press the
(Set) button, or wait for 30 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check the following:
• If the file name you specified is not used by other users.
• If file or folder that has the same name as the one you specified already
031-535 Press the
(Set) button, or wait for 30 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check if other user is not operating file in storage location you
031-537 Press the
(Set) button, or wait for 30 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check if storage location has free space.
031-539 Press the
(Set) button, or wait for 30 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check if server name is correct.
031-540 Press the
(Set) button, or wait for 30 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check if domain name is correct.
031-541 Press the
(Set) button, or wait for 30 seconds for the printer to
recover. Check if login name (user name) is correct.