System Setup Program A-3
Screen Color Combinations
In addition to its text, a field’s color identifies the type of information it con-
tains, as follows:
• Black on cyan — Headers and footers, including the title box at the top of
the screen and the key functions box at the bottom of the screen.
• Blue on white — Configuration information that cannot be changed by the
user, such as category titles.
• Black on white — Fields that can be changed by the user, but are not
selected. Also used for help messages.
• Bright white on white — The highlight color for a category title that is
selected. Also used to highlight the function keys in the key functions box.
• White on black — The highlight color for an input field that is selected.
Main Menu
Figure A-1. Main Menu
Main Advanced Security Exit
Time: [5:01:96]
Date: [May 04, 1996]
Diskette Drive A: [1.44 MB, 3.5 inch]
Diskette Drive B: [Not Installed]
Fast Video BIOS: [On and Cached]
Memory Cache: [Enable]
Boot Sequence: [A: then C:]
Num Lock: [On]
Speaker: [On]
Processor 1: Pentium Pro 200
Processor 2: Pentium Pro 200
Level 2 Cache: 512 KB
Base Memory: 640 KB
Extended Memory: 63 MB
Video Memory: 1 MB
Service Tag: AB12Z
Asset Tag: 123456789A
Item Specific Help
Dell System PowerEdge 4100/200 Setup
BIOS Version AXX
Resets the time on the
computer’s internal
clock. Time kept in a
24-hour format. Press
<Tab>, <Shift-Tab>,
or <Enter> selects
key functions box
F1 Select ItemHelp -/+ Change Values F9 Setup Defaults
ESC Exit Select Menu Enter Select Sub-Menu F10 Previous Values