
bout This Guide
This guide provides directions for trained service techni-
cians who are installing system upgrade options in a Dell
PowerEdge 6100/200 computer system or are trouble-
shooting problems that have temporarily disabled a
system. Before calling for technical assistance, follow the
recommended procedure(s) in this guide to solve most
hardware and software problems yourself.
Chapter 1, “Introduction,” provides a brief overview
of system service features.
Everyone should read Chapter 2, “Checking the
Basics,” for some initial checks and procedures that
can be used to solve basic computer problems. It also
directs you to the appropriate chapter in this guide
for more detailed troubleshooting information and
procedures to solve more complex problems.
Whenever you receive an error message or code, you
should read Chapter 3, “Messages and Codes.” This
chapter discusses system messages, system beep
codes, warning messages, diagnostics messages,
Dell Hardware Instrumentation Package (HIP) alert
log messages, and small computer system interface
(SCSI) hard-disk drive indicators.
If you suspect that the problems are software-related,
or you are still having problems after testing the
computer’s hardware, read Chapter 4, “Finding Soft-
ware Solutions.” It provides some general guidelines
for analyzing software problems.
For hardware-related problems, read Chapter 5,
“Running the System Diagnostics.” Chapter 6,
“Checking the Equipment,” and Chapter 7, “Check-
ing Inside the Computer,” provide troubleshooting
procedures for equipment connected to the input/
output (I/O) panel of the computer and components
inside the computer, respectively. Chapter 7 also
provides information on removing the computer cov-
ers and front bezel.
Chapter 8, “Installing System Board Options,”
Chapter 9, “Installing Drives in the External Bays,”
and Chapter 10, “Installing Drives in the Internal
Bays,” are intended for technicians who want to
install or remove options inside the computer, such
as single in-line memory modules (SIMMs), expan-
sion cards, or SCSI devices.
Chapter 11, “Getting Help,” describes the help tools
Dell provides to assist you should you have a prob-
lem with the computer. It also explains how and
when to call Dell for technical assistance.
Make a copy of the checklist in Appendix A, “Diag-
nostics Checklist,” and fill it out as you perform the
troubleshooting procedures. If you need to call Dell
for technical assistance, use the completed checklist
to tell the support technician what procedures you
performed to better help the Dell technician give you
assistance. If you must return a piece of hardware to
Dell, include a completed checklist.
Appendix B, “Diagnostic Video Tests,” discusses the
tests for the Video Test Group in the system diagnos-
tics to help you test the monitor.
Appendix C, “Jumpers, Switches, and Connectors,”
is intended for technicians who are troubleshooting
the system or adding internal options and need to
change jumper or switch settings on the system
board or microprocessor modules, need to identify
connectors on the various boards and modules, or
need to disable a forgotten password.
A table of the abbreviations and acronyms used
throughout this guide and in other Dell system docu-
mentation precedes the index.