
22 Using Your Projector
V. KEYSTONEAdjust image
distortion caused by
tilting the projector.
PROJECTOR MODESelect how the image appears:
Front Projection-Desktop (the default).
Front Projection-Ceiling Mount — The projector turns the image upside
down for ceiling-mounted projection.
Rear Projection-Desktop — The projector reverses the image so you can
project from behind a translucent screen.
Rear Projection-Ceiling Mount — The projector reverses and turns the
image upside down. You can project from behind a translucent screen with a
ceiling-mounted projection.
ASPECT RATIOSelect an aspect ratio to adjust how the image appears.
1:1 — The input source displays without scaling.
Use 1:1 aspect ratio if you are using one of the following:
VGA cable and the computer has a resolution less than XGA (1024 x 768)
Component cable (576p/480i/480p)
–S-Video cable
Composite cable
16:9 — The input source scales to fit the width of the screen.
4:3 — The input source scales to fit the screen.
Use 16:9 or 4:3 if you are using one of the following:
Computer resolution greater than XGA
Component cable (1080i or 720p)
PROJECTOR INFOPress to show the projector model name, the present resolution,
and projector seri
l number (PPID#).