354 Understanding the Tool Box Menus
Fax Header On* Prints the information of sender on the header of
Off Does not print the information of sender on the
header of faxes.
Fax Header Name Sets the name of sender to be printed on the header of
faxes. Up to 30 alphanumeric characters can be
Fax Number Sets the fax number of the printer to be printed on the
header of faxes.
Fax Cover
Off* Does not attach a cover page to faxes.
On Attaches a cover page to faxes.
Pattern 4* Provides a separate number for faxing with a
distinctive ring pattern.
Pattern 1–7
Sent Fax Fwd Off* Does not forward incoming faxes.
Forward Always forwards incoming faxes to a specified
Print and
Always forwards incoming faxes to a specified
destination and prints all forwarded incoming faxes.
Fax Fwd Number Specifies the fax number of the destination to which
incoming faxes will be forwarded.
Prefix Dial Off* Does not set a prefix dial number.
On Sets a prefix dial number.
Prefix Dial Num Sets a prefix dial number of up to five digits. This
number dials before any auto dial number is started. It
is useful for accessing the Private Automatic Branch
Exchange (PABX).
Discard Size Off Prints any excess at the bottom of a fax page without
discarding it.
On Discards any excess at the bottom of a fax page.
Automatically reduces a fax page to fit it onto the
output paper.
ECM On* Enables the ECM. To use the ECM, the remote
machines must also support the ECM.
Off Disables the ECM.