Using Support Tools
NOTE: If you see a message stating that no
diagnostics utility partition has been found,
run the Dell Diagnostics from the
and Utilities
If PSA is invoked:
The PSA will start running tests.a.
If the PSA completes successfully, the b.
following message is displayed: “No
problems have been found
with this system so far.
Do you want to run the
remaining memory tests? This
will take about 30 minutes
or more. Do you want to
continue? (Recommended).”
If you are experiencing memory issues, c.
press <y>, otherwise press <n>.
The following message is displayed:
“Booting Dell Diagnostic
Utility Partition. Press any
key to continue.”
Press any key to go to the d. Choose An
Option window.
If PSA is not invoked:
Press any key to start the Dell Diagnostics from
the diagnostic utility partition on your hard drive
and to go to the Choose An Option window.