Play Forward “ “
Pressing the PLAY FORWARD button when a file is not playing (STOP or
PAUSE was previously selected) starts playing the selected file in the forward
direction at 2X speed. If the file was playing in reverse direction, then pressing
PLAY FORWARD switches playback to forward direction.
When playing a file at a speed other than real time in the forward direction,
pressing the PLAY FORWARD button resets the speed to real time (See
Fast-Forward and Slow-Motion, below.).
Play Reverse “ “
Pressing the PLAY REVERSE button when a file is not playing (STOP or
PAUSE was previously selected) starts playing the selected file in the reverse
direction at 2X speed. If the file was playing in forward direction, then pressing
PLAY REVERSE switches playback to reverse direction.
When playing a file at a speed other than real time in the reverse direction,
pressing the PLAY REVERSE button resets the speed to real time (See
Fast-Forward and Slow-Motion, below.).
Stop “ “
To stop playing a file, press the STOP button at any time; your monitor will
have a blank screen.